
Monday, February 24, 2014

My flying to Ft. Wayne was a test in patience for Chris and Hannah, because delays kept popping up due to weather, and it was quite late by the time my plane arrived; and they of course had the boys with them.     But they were very gracious about the whole thing.
 I had a nice time with Joseph, his wife Lyn, and others in the family. 
The little ones are grandbabies, not children. :-) Elizabeth's twins.

 One can't be too careful when working for the TSA. (She might be a terrorist, you know.)           
 Seriously, Phineas is a sweet little guy. He accidentally hit me on the leg with his little ball, and hurried across the room to kiss my boot and make it all better.

 One cool ride, at the Medina Ice Sculpture Festival site. 
Getting to Medina was also a test in patience for my next driver and friend, Valerie. She had to wait at the Greyhound bus stop in the middle of nowhere, for two hours in semi-blizzard weather.
 Then when we arrived, her car was stuck, and one of the Amish men stopped to help me push, but the tires just spun. He offered to have his horses pull us out, but not having a chain made that impossible. 
AAA finally sent a tow truck, and it got us on the road. We were very thankful to the Lord for safe driving on the way home, as eighteen wheelers whizzed past us in the snow.
Celtie, in sartorial splendor, with the proper plaid

My kind hostess and host, Valerie and Neil.

1 comment:

  1. I like the bigger pics. For some reason your blog doesn't show up on the edges of mine. I want to fix that.
