
Wednesday, January 18, 2012

More SA happenings

Evangel at the Worldview Summit for young people, participating in an icebreaker. This year it was held at Frontline  Ministries.
"Um, what are we looking for, Mom? I see no cats here to chase." Hiking to Sand Island through Marina de Gama, the next door neighborhood. You can see the Cinnabar Building in downtown Muizenberg, in the distance.
Opening presents, Josh and Connie overseeing. This is a coffee mug from Jivannadi Mission to Hindus, an excellent ministry.
Blowkarts can be rented at the beach parking lot, but I don't think I'll try. I've been on a sailboat only once, and Louise did the work then.
Gabi, at her mom Aquila's request, played the harp for me when we visited. It  is a lovely, old, restored harp. And speaking of restoring, Aquila and her husband restored their home themselves, and it is beautiful
The local African wildlife: they look hungry, but please do not feed them.
Notice the chain holding the car to the column. This is downtown Muizenberg.

1 comment:

  1. Did Paul hurt his finger at a Frontline Ministry volleyball game? That blowkart looks fun...can't wait for my check to arrive so I can try one. (jk)
    Do folks really chain their cars to posts?
    Great photos, Auntie. Thanks for including one of look great.
