
Wednesday, March 28, 2012

The Art of Fencing

INVISIBLE  fencing, to be exact. I ask you, can you see the fence?? 
Looks like you could walk right through it. could.

 More invisible fence from the back corner. 
Look where you step, so you don't blunder into lurking poison ivy.

 Enter a mischievous, half-grown Lab, who was the motivation behind the fence. 
Here she's riding with us after church, to her new home in the Berry.

 Now the fence is no longer invisible. 
We didn't think the canines would fall for the emperor's new clothes trick, 
so we had Jacob's Fencing install one, and an excellent job they did, too!

 It only took me a week to be able to put the two dogs together, 
without Ariela threatening to tear her new compatriot from limb to limb. 
It still too early to predict who will win the coup, but my bet is on the older, wiser Carolina Dog 
to be the next dictator, er, pack leader. Under me, of course. But the decision will not be unanimous.

My two gorgeous debutantes--may I present Ariela and Sapphire?

Monday, March 5, 2012

My friend's dad's funeral

 Before the service, which was very good. Robert is at the front, of course. But his spirit is in Heaven!
 The family, seated, during the graveside service. If you look very closely under the tree, 
you may see a bagpiper, whose haunting melodies drifted across the field.
 Here is the released white dove, flying heavenward. 
The sky looks overcast, because thunderstorms were in the forecast, but the Lord kept even the rain away.
 The ladies preparing a meal afterward: Randy's daughter, Jean, Janice, and Julia. 
Oops, I cut Randy almost out of the picture. Sorry.
 Tim and Rhonda.
 I'd watched for deer on my visits, but never saw any until this day--there were five of them in the back yard. 
Perhaps looking for Robert, someone suggested.
Three lovely ladies--Jean, Janice, and Jean. My friends.