
Friday, February 3, 2012

Last week in Muizenberg

 You never know what you might find at the once-a-month boot sale. Vicki found this birdie in the intense heat of that Saturday morning, and rescued him for a price--isn't he adorable?

 Paul and James solving the world's problems on a beach walk. Or perhaps James is describing the Arizona fashion show sponsored by Maricopa County's Uncle Joe again. Hope the water doesn't tip out of the ocean because of my careless angle here.

 Frontline's birthday luncheon for Paul.  Peter Hammond sat at our table (the other side of Paul).

 Paul was asked to give the devotional after lunch. He preached on Psalm 126--the dry desert, desert storm, and the blooming desert. Our dead lives can live again!

Waiting patiently at the gate to leave Joburg. A problem with passengers who were to join us at Dakar, or perhaps those to leave us at Dakar, had the South African Airways redoing all of our tickets.  No one had a hissy over it, that I could tell, fortunately. I had just polished off one and a half bottles of water and a can of juice that the security agent told me I couldn't bring on board, so I eventually segued into crisis mode, the toilets/restrooms being off limits. Finally I returned to the checkpoint and craved permission to visit the toilets; the agent on duty permitted me, but those on duty when I returned hadn't noticed my defecting. However, you'll be relieved (did I just say that?) to know that I did make it onto the plane and many, many hours later--at least it seemed so--arrived at the Columbia airport to be picked up by Grace and Ariela, the latter of which went crazy upon spotting me. Well, Grace may have, too, but she kept her composure outwardly.

1 comment:

  1. Glad you were allowed to visit the pink room at the airport. And that Grace kept her composure upon seeing you.
    Thanks for those nice pictures and captions, Aunty. You're the bestus at keeping us posted.
