
Thursday, April 7, 2016

Biltmore Castle

For my sister's birthday, I took her to Biltmore Estate, in Asheville.

Fashionable Romance, that is, in films, several gowns on display.

Some brave soul put up that gorgeous elegance.

The Winter Garden

The Banquet Hall for an intimate lunch

The view from a balcony

Another fashionable gown of that day

Don't you love this step stool for when you can't reach a book?

Take a look at all those tapestries.

George Vanderbilt's bedroom. See  how short the bed is?

And Edith's, too. Guess the high canopy is in case she got to bouncing on the bed.

Grace descending the staircase.

Ah, the tulips! Which is why we waited until mid-April.

Now that makes a picturesque frame.

Three or four different people offered to take photos for us. Nice.

The orchids room--lovely, lovely.

The lady from the Music Conservatory filled the room with absolutely beautiful music.

A stop at the little farm provided  a look at this sleeping caprine family.

Farewell to Biltmore, and one last stop at the Moose Cafe, a few miles away.

SA 2016

Daniel and Vicki giving out tracts among the thousands come for the holiday
The pretty trademark beach houses

Lovely plumeria blooms

Little ones Jesus loves and wants in His kingdom

Zealous peddlers at the traffic light/robot

Drivers beware of traffic robberies.

Little guy in Muslim attire

Hiking Constantia Nek with two friends

We walked maybe an hour and had breakfast in this train car.

An autoharp like my mom's, but more decorated

Hiking the boardwalk

Poster of Muizenberg

Neighborhood wall mural

Another hike

Bin picker plying his trade of collecting recyclables from trash bins

Berwick, happy as a clam at high tide, about to hike the Alphen Trail

Paul and Vicki, on his birthday,  Jan. 27

Handcarved chess pieces, at the Scratch Patch

More animal carvings at the Scratch Patch

The penguin that consented to sing another verse for me at Boulders Bay

Walking at the Bay with the Frew Family

Little charmer on the return flight home

Interesting cloud formations seen from the plane window.  I enjoyed my trip this year, but probably won't go next year, as the prison ministry has become almost non-existent.