Things I’m Thankful For
Unexpected photo delights given me for my memory books
Elections won’t be for ever.
My citizenship is in Heaven.
My town having lower gas prices than the official national low
No howling from my dogs in the neighborhood cacophony after a siren
Cheesecake burritos
Cool nights after the heat of summer
That only one of my two dogs would sell her granny for a treat :-)
All my hiking buddies
New friends on online forum, and keeping my cool with critics
The achingly beautiful Mennonite a cappella song, “Home”
Muizenberg’s weekend flea market
The now-apt song, “What Though Wars May Come”
Sandals that last in comfort through four miles
South African prison flashback of sitting in a school, hearing my dad preach
Scrapbooking family memories
Behind the walls, a dorm door being fixed in answer to prayer
A happy story of a stranger rescue in the news
My pastor and his wife both receiving God’s healing
The Duggars and their nineteen kids
A clean house
A gorgeous green elm tree in the midst of orange, red, and yellow trees
A new friend
East Indian cuisine
My one remaining uncle
God not allowing Sandy to ravage South Carolina
Armchair world traveling--no expenses
Beautiful orange, red, and green ornamental pear trees
A friend’s release after ten years
My niece’s engagement to a godly man
God’s love for all of us
Jesus’ substitutionary death so that I don’t have to go to Hell
International festivals with delicious ethnic foods
Joy, Thanksgiving 2012